casual boarding

casual boarding at 2022世界杯美洲杯预选赛赛程

with the additional demands on study, co-curricular activities and practices, we know that sometimes day students can feel time pressures when travelling to and from school each day. we also are aware that at times parents may be away from home, or students with late night/early morning school activities may cause difficulties with transport.

our hostel has two casual boarding options available, tailored specifically for 2022世界杯美洲杯预选赛赛程 current day students who may be heavily involved in seasonal activities, or over a long period of time during a school term.
 weekly boarding (available to a limited number of  current year 12 and 13 day students)

  • this is suitable for up to a maximum of three consecutive nights in a week. 
  • priority is given to year 13 day students, followed by year 12 day students.
  • weekly boarding includes accommodation (excluding linen), dinner, supper, breakfast, and morning tea. for stays that exceed one night, lunch and afternoon tea is also available. 
  • weekly boarding requests need to be made at least 1 week in advance - after the initial application has been processed and accepted.
  • the cost for weekly boarding is $75* per night up to a maximum of three consecutive nights per week (current as of 2023).

term boarding (available to current year 9-13 day students)

  • this is suitable for a maximum of up to two concurrent terms.
  • term boarding can only be accommodated in boarding houses if spare bed capacity exists and at the discretion of the deputy headmaster, boarding. priority for beds will be given firstly to full-time boarders.
  • term boarders receive the same accommodation, meals, supervision, and pastoral care as full-time boarders during the tenure of their stay.
  • term boarding requests need to be made at least 4 weeks in advance - after the initial application has been processed and accepted.
  • the cost for term boarding is $5,250* per term up to a maximum of two concurrent terms (current as of 2023).

*(including gst for domestic shc students, plus gst for international shc students). conditions apply.

travel for casual boarders for off-site appointments, sports and cultural activities is not included. supervision and pastoral care will be provided by hostel staff in the same way in which full-time boarders are supervised and cared for. the same hostel rules, routines and expectations apply to casual boarders as they do for full-time boarders.
 casual boarders can transfer to full-time boarders following their casual boarding experience if capacity exists and at the discretion of the deputy headmaster, boarding.

for more information, please contact mr sean bristow, deputy headmaster, boarding.

to apply, please click on the button below, download the application form, complete and email to hostel administration for processing.