
the uniform shop is the only supplier of all items of the school uniform, apart from winter shoes. the uniform shop is situated under the main administration building, or you can purchase online.

regular opening hours

 monday - 8am to 1.30pm
tuesday - 9am to 1.30pm
wednesday - closed
thursday - 8am to 1.30pm
friday - 9am to 1.30pm

contact details

phone:  09 529 3669
email: [email protected]

formal uniform
years 7 to 10
  • white shirt and 2022世界杯美洲杯预选赛赛程 tie
  • shorts
  • black lace-up shoes with sacred heart school socks
years 11 to 12
  • white shirt and 2022世界杯美洲杯预选赛赛程 tie
  • blazer (compulsory for years 11 to 13)
  • trousers (with black leather belt) or lava lava
  • black lace-up shoes with black socks
year 13
  • white shirt and senior school tie
  • blazer (compulsory for years 11 to 13)

  • trousers (with black leather belt) or lava lava

  • black lace-up shoes with black socks

summer uniform - terms 1 & 4
years 7 to 10
  • short-sleeved shirt
  • shorts
  • black lace-up shoes with sacred heart school socks
  • school cap
years 11 to 12
  • short-sleeved shirt
  • shorts with black lace-up shoes and sacred heart school socks; or trousers (with black leather belt) and black lace-up shoes with black socks
year 13
  • students in year 13 are required to purchase the senior summer shirt
  • shorts with black lace-up shoes and sacred heart school socks; or trousers (with black leather belt) and black lace-up shoes with black socks

winter uniform -  terms 2 & 3
years 7 to 10
  • long-sleeved shirt
  • shorts
  • jersey
  • black lace-up shoes with sacred heart school socks
years 11 to 13
  • long-sleeved shirt
  • trousers (with black leather belt)
  • jersey
  • blazer
  • black lace-up shoes and black socks
year 13
  • students may purchase the senior winter shirt
  • trousers (with black leather belt)

  • jersey

  • blazer

  • black lace-up shoes and black socks
pe & sports uniform
physical education - all year levels
  • navy pe shorts
  • pe top 
  • house t-shirt

sports uniforms

the uniforms for the individual sports in which the college presents teams for competition will follow the pattern for that sport as laid down by the director of sport. please see the individual sport code information on the sports page on this website for further details.

student appearance

the following student appearance expectations must be adhered to by all students at all times:

  • hair must be clean, tidy, above the collar and not over the eyes 
  • hair should be no shorter than a number 2 and should not be long enough to be tied up in any form
  • the student's fringe should be short enough to ensure hair is kept out of his eyes when combed straight down
  • natural hair colour must be maintained (no dyed hair)
  • extreme hairstyles including, but not restricted to a mohawk, mullet, shaved hair styles, or braided/matted hair are not permitted
  • students at all levels must be clean-shaven and side burns should not be below the ears
  • tattoos are not permitted
  • body piercing is not permitted
  • cosmetic make up including, but not limited to, nail polish, lipstick or eyeliner is not permitted
  • students are expected to have clean skin and to protect themselves against body and foot odour.

shoes must be black, polish-able lace-up only. no suede, designed, rimmed or slip-on shoes are allowed. shoes must be clean and polished at all times.

the school uniform centre (553 remuera road) stocks a full range of mckinlays shoes; sacred heart families are entitled to a 10% discount on presentation of a voucher which can be obtained from the uniform shop.

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